Panashe's Panache Panacea

Well, I’ve decided to spruce things up a bit.

Panashe’s panache -> Panashe’s Panache Panacea

I’m really making this my space. As in a space that’s mine. So I’ve gone further down the rabit hole and added another noun to the title. I’m not sure if and when this train will come to a stop but I’m too far gone now.


As much as I like to share what’s worked and all things bright and beautiful, I think it’s important to share my fails – there are quite a few of them. I’ve linked them in the side bar and I’ll keep updating the list as I go. The list will continue to grow, no doubt.

Going dark

I’ve also decided to throw in a new coat of paint on the site that’s slightly darker and easier on the eyes. Hopefully it looks better.