
Although focusing on successes is great and all, I want to make a little space for some of my failed endeavours. So to some extent, this is like a project graveyard. I will describe what I was trying to build based on notes, code and or other efforts that I documented.


When: 2014-2015

What: A notes app with superpowers.


Come to think of it, Reddit bots kinda do something like that. Typing something like “RemindMe! in 24hrs” triggers a bot that will remind the commenter of the thread. We don’t really see powerful actions in notes apps beyond calendar actions and tagging.

Why did it fail: I never made any progress on it beyond registering the domain only to let it expire when I realised it had nothing to do with the ideas I was building around it.

Future: I think there are some interesting ideas I can salvage from this. Maybe I’ll pick it up some day - there’s always room for yet another notes app.

When: 2017-2018

What: A bicycle for the mind


(WIP… to be continued…)